Friday, June 29, 2007

for Chase: A Present for You

Everybody likes to recieve things! I talk about tennis, gifts, Knocked Up and we meet my roommate Carissa!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

for Chase: The Inside of a Nugget

Nuggets of all shapes and sizes. This one has some original music, dance and the word "poo".

for Chris: Food for thought, or how about a Rootbeer?

Hey Chris! If you have the time and can't think of what to do. I have an idea. Thinking of you.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

for Chase: Cleanliness

This time I talk about showering, crazy maisy cam, and the USPS.

for Chris: Speedy Delivery

Your art has inspired me to do something for you and your hard work. And the hard work just doesn't stop. Laters

Monday, June 25, 2007

for Chase: the art fair

This time I tackle the Spring Green art fair, my disdain for Chase, nipples for Craig and much much more. We also meet Michael Gotch.

for Chris

Hey Chris! The Northwoods can be treacherous. It's an adventure day to day. I hope that my knowledge today can be passed on for people tomorrow.

Friday, June 22, 2007

for Chase

Hi Chase! I'm trying to set up a video blog with my friend Chase. This is the start. He will add. then back to me. yadda yada. Taking ideas from Craig Benzine. (The Wheezy Waiter).